by krista | Oct 21, 2020
Group was formulated to represent the 15th Battalion of the Australian Imperial Force of the 1914-1919 period. We are based on a unit recruited in Queensland & Tasmanian during this period and its intended all members look for a deeper connection within the...
by krista | Oct 21, 2020
The 4th Battalion, Volunteer Defence Corps is a non-profit society composed of historians and reenactors whose purpose is to preserve and recreate the history of the Volunteer Defence Corps of South East Queensland of the period1941 – 1944. Our group provides an...
by krista | Apr 9, 2020
Army Group South is a living history and research organisation based in Brisbane, Queensland and its core purpose is the historical recreation of the combatants and non-combatants of the 20th Century. The group is non-political, and neither supports nor condones any...
by krista | Apr 7, 2020
We’re a group of dedicated living historians and re-enactors who have a passion for World War 2 history. We seek to share the history of Queensland’s military commitment to the Kokoda Track Campaign, by showcasing C Company, 2/25th Battalion’s involvement from...
by krista | Mar 31, 2020
3 Kompanie is a Queensland based World War Two re-enactment group and a member of The Queensland Living History Federation. 3 Kompanie’s primary impression is of World War Two German soldiers and the female auxiliary groups such as the German Red Cross that...