Member's Area

Welcome, members of the Queensland Living History Federation.

Babel Login Area

Membership generally falls due at the end of the Financial Year. We send a notification to members when the payment period opens. Note: The Queensland Living History Federation does not extend insurance to non-financial members.

For more information about QLHF membership, including the current schedule of fees and relevant dates, go to the Membership information page.

Babel is the online Membership and Group application system available for members and groups to pay their membership renewals. Please note that you must raise an invoice for your individual or group membership payment.

If you experience problems with your membership renewal, please follow these steps:-

  1. Read the Babel user guide for information to assist you in processing your membership renewal.
  2. If necessary, contact your group’s Babel administrator for further assistance. If they are unable to solve your issue, they will contact Babel support.

We strongly recommend reading the information below before using Babel for the first time:

Membership information

Babel User Guide (for New and Renewing Individuals)

Babel Group Payment Guide (for Group Administrators only)



Frequently Asked Questions about The Muster

Important dates

When do I have to renew by?
June 30 each year.

What date is the payment cut-off?
If you have not paid by August 30 each year, your status in The Muster will change to ‘expired’ and you will have to pay your membership as a new member.

If I am attending Abbey this year, what do I need to know?

  • There will be no administration the week leading up to the Tournament.
  • The last date the post box will be checked is June 30, so any cheques after this time will not be processed until after the event.
  • The QLHF management committee supports the Abbey Medieval Festival’s decisions with regard to the attendance of non-financial members.


Fees and how to pay:

How do I pay my membership?
Head to the website and read through The Muster User Guide. If you have any problems, please check with your group administrator.

Will the membership fees change?
If there are changes to fees, we will notify you via email.

What is the group fee, does each member need to pay this?
No, the group fee is a single fee per group and it is due once a year.

Who should be paying my membership?
The payment of your membership is up to you, the individual. All you need to do is log on, raise your invoice and pay for your membership. It is not up to your group to pay for you, but it is certainly the responsibility of the group committee to ensure the members have paid their membership.

How can I pay?
Credit card, electronic funds transfer, paypal, cheque, money order.
Please note:

  • We do not accept cash as it is not a traceable form of payment.
  • Paypal is very easy to use and you do not have to sign up to use it. We recommend this method as the best way to pay.
  • If you are paying by electronic funds transfer, your invoice number is the reference number.
  • If we can not trace your payment (i.e. your name is not included, your invoice hasn’t been raised, your invoice number hasn’t been used as the reference number), your membership fee will be considered as a donation. Please be careful when you pay.

Group Administrator

Who is my group administrator?
Each group should have allocated at least one person to be the group administrator in The Muster. Check with your committee to find out who this is.

What is the role of the group administrator?
They are responsible for assisting other group members with The Muster and keeping group details updated. Group details should be updated annually or when required. They must also ensure committee members are labelled in the system as such so we can keep track of this for Directors and Officer’s insurance purposes.

Our group doesn’t have a Group Administrator.
That’s ok, a group can appoint someone at any time. Then get them to read through our administrator manual.


I don’t have/know how to use a computer…
That’s ok, someone in your group should be able to, if not, a family member can give you a hand. Don’t forget local libraries have computers for use too.

I haven’t been receiving emails from QLHF, why is that?
Are your details up-to-date in The Muster? If any of your contact details change, make sure you log in and edit them so we can contact you if we need to.

I don’t have an email address…
That’s ok, you can sign up for one with Gmail or Hotmail. A functioning email must be used to sign up so we can contact you and keep you updated with QLHF events and important information such as weapons licensing law changes and so on.  Don’t forget to write down your email and password and keep it safe.

I am having a major issues with the system, is it easier to just create a new login?
Please DO NOT make a new login. If you are having issues please check with your group administrator first and see if they can help.

I have a problem renewing my membership, what do I do?
The first step is to discuss the problem with your group administrator. If they are unable to help, they will contact to work on the problem.

Event Risk Assessment Tool (ERAT)

Risk Assessment is mandatory for all member groups wishing to attend and participate in public events.

The ERAT is downloadable as either a PDF or MS Word document:-

ERAT_fillable form PDF (complete and sign online)

ERAT (PDF) (for scanning or hard copy)

ERAT (.docx)

Incident Report form
Insurance information

For a copy of the insurance certificate of currency for QLHF and its member groups please contact the secretary via our contact form

Code of Practice

Member groups of the Federation have all agreed to adhere to the following Code of Practice:

1. Each member society will have written regulations regarding the running of their organisation. These will cover administration, finance, health and safety and all legal requirements as well as historical aspects and their aims.

2. Member societies shall at all times respect the Federation’s Codes of Practice.

3. No action or inaction of a member shall bring their society or this Federation into disrepute.

4. All members will at all times adhere to such local, state or federal regulations or by-laws which might govern their activities.

5. Member societies will be non-sectarian and non-political.

6. Societies and their officers shall deal with the general public and clients in an ethical manner. Complaints shall be handled with courtesy and expedition.

7. Each society will undertake to portray its chosen period as authentically as is reasonably possible.

8. Whilst every effort will be made by the Federation to ensure that members will at all times behave in a safe, reliable and legal manner, the Federation cannot accept any responsibility for the actions, inactions or negligence of its members. Individual member societies must take responsibility for their activities.

9. (i) A copy of the Rules of the Federation and its Codes of Practice will be lodged with all relevant Government bodies and such libraries, local authorities, TV and film companies and other organisations as may be determined.
(ii) A list of accredited member societies of the Federation will be included with (i) above.

Our Constitution


1.0       Name

The name of the incorporated association shall be QUEENSLAND LIVING HISTORY FEDERATION INC. (in these rules called “the Association”)


2.0       Objects

The objects for which the Association is established are:

  1. a)   To act as a forum for all historic re-enactment and preservation societies portraying aspects of world history within Queensland.
  2. b)   To provide Codes of Practice to act as a framework for the safe, authentic and realistic re-enactment of all periods of world history within Queensland.
  3. c)   To advance and represent the interests of member societies.
  4. d)   To instigate and promote contact with, and to maintain liaison with display organisers and Government bodies.
  5. e)   To advocate on behalf of members and member societies and keep them informed regarding proposed legislative changes affecting their interests.
  6. f)    To encourage and support contact between member societies and other bodies.
  7. g)   To hold special observances, meetings, authentic historical re-enactments, promotional and cultural activities.
  8. h)   To cultivate a public awareness in living history, historical reenactment and historical preservation.
  9. I)   To provide insurance coverage for members and member societies.


3.0    Powers

(1) The Association has, in the exercise of its affairs, all the powers of an individual.

(2) The Association may, for example –

  1. a)   enter into contracts: and
  2. b)   acquire, hold, deal with and dispose of property; and
  3. c)   make charges for services and facilities it supplies; and
  4. d)   do other things necessary or convenient to be done in carrying out its affairs.

(3) The Association may take over the funds and other assets and the liabilities of the present unincorporated association known as “Queensland Living History”.

(4) The Association may also issue secured and unsecured notes, debentures and debenture stock for the Association.


4.0    Classes of Membership

The membership of the Association shall consist of the following classes of membership:

  1. a)   Ordinary member society– Any established organisation, group, society or entity involved in living history, historical re-enactment, historical preservation or historical research, that has been granted membership under the Appraisal system in place at the time of application. Ordinary member societies may cast one vote at general meetings, and individual members of Ordinary member societies are eligible for election to the Management Committee.
  2. b)   Probationary member society – Any established organisation, group, society or entity involved in living history, historical re-enactment, historical preservation or historical research, that has been granted probationary membership of the Federation under the Appraisal system in place at the time of application. Probationary member societies may not vote at general meetings and individual members of Probationary member societies are not eligible for election to the Management Committee.
  3. c)   Affiliated member society – Any established organisation, group, society or entity involved in living history, historical re-enactment, historical preservation or historical research that has been granted affiliate membership of the Association under the Appraisal system in place at the time of application. Affiliated member societies may not vote at general meetings and individual members of Affiliated member societies are not eligible for election to the Management Committee.
  4. d)   Individual –an Individual member is an individual who is involved in living history and / or re-enactment and is accepted for membership of QLHF. The individual must be able to demonstrate a bona fide involvement in living history and / or re-enactment in Queensland. Membership of an Ordinary Member group is considered bona fide involvement. Additional criteria for bona fide involvement may be prescribed by the Management Committee from time to time. Individual members may not exercise a vote.
  5. e)   Life member– Any individual determined by the Management Committee and confirmed by General Meeting may be granted this class of membership in recognition of services to the Federation. Life members may not in their own right exercise a vote nor be eligible for election to Management Committee, though they might exercise those rights as representative of a member group.

(2) The number of members in each class shall be unlimited.

(3) Every person who at the date of incorporation of the Association was a member of the unincorporated association and who on or before the day of incorporation agrees in writing to become a member of the Association shall be admitted by the Management Committee to the same class of membership of the Association as that member held in the unincorporated association.

(4) Every member of the Association who previously to agreeing to become a member of the Association has paid the member’s subscription due on the day of incorporation, as a member of the unincorporated association shall not be liable to pay any further sum by way of annual subscription to the Association for the period prior to the day of incorporation.

(5) Every applicant for any class of membership of the Association other than the members of the unincorporated association referred to in sub-rule (1) shall apply for membership via the online membership system, Babel. The applying member must apply for membership of at least (1) member society and be accepted by the committee of at least (1) member society in order to be accepted as a member of the QLHF.


5.0    Membership Fees

(1) The membership fees for each class of membership shall be such sum as the members shall from time to time at any general meeting so determine.

(2) The membership fees for each class of membership shall be payable at such time and in such manner as the Management Committee shall from time to time determine.

(3) A financial member at any material time is a member who is not then indebted to the organisation in respect of the annual subscription or levy or other payment whatsoever.

(4) Only those members who are financial members at the time shall be entitled, subject to the lawful procedure of the meeting, to speak or vote upon any motion at any general meeting of the organisation.


6.0    Admission and Rejection of Members

(1) At the next meeting of the Management Committee after the receipt of any application and the fee applicable for any class of membership, such application shall be considered by the Management Committee, who shall thereupon determine the admission or rejection of the applicant.

(2) Any applicant who receives a majority of the votes of the members of the Management Committee present at the meeting at which such application is being considered shall be accepted as a member to the class of membership applied for.

(3) Upon the acceptance or rejection of an applicant for any class of membership the Secretary shall forthwith give the applicant notice in writing of such acceptance or rejection.

(4) In the case of applications for Individual membership, the Management Committee may at its discretion choose to comply with sub clauses (1) to (3) by utilising its online membership system to consider applications and provide notification to applicants.


7.0    Termination of Membership

(1) A member may resign from the Association at any time by giving notice in writing to the Secretary.

(2) Such resignation shall take effect at the time such notice is received by the Secretary unless a later date is specified in the notice when it shall take effect on that later date.

(3) If a member –

  1. a)   in the case of an Individual member, is convicted of an indictable offence; or
  2. b)   fails to comply with any of the provisions of these Rules; or
  3. c)   has membership fees in arrears for a period of two (2) months or more; or
  4. d)   conducts themselves in a manner considered to be injurious or prejudicial to the character or interests of the Association,

the Management Committee shall consider whether the member’s membership shall be terminated, suspended or that a different class of membership is appropriate.

(4) The member concerned shall be given a full and fair opportunity of presenting the member’s case and if the Management Committee resolves to terminate or suspend the membership, or to assign a different class of membership, it shall instruct the Secretary to advise the member in writing accordingly.


8.0    Appeal Against Rejection or Termination of Membership

(1) Termination of membership:

  1. A member whose membership has been terminated may within one month of receiving written notification thereof, lodge with the Secretary written notice of their intention to appeal against the decision of the Management Committee.
  2. Upon receipt of a notification of intention to appeal against rejection or termination of membership the Secretary shall convene, within three (3) months of the date of receipt of such notice, a general meeting to determine the appeal.
  3. At any such meeting the applicant shall be given the opportunity to fully present the applicant’s case and the Management Committee or those members thereof who rejected the application for membership or terminated the membership subsequently shall likewise have the opportunity of presenting its or their case.
  4. The appeal shall be determined by the vote of the members present at such meeting.
  5. Where a person whose application is terminated does not appeal against the decision of the Management Committee within the time prescribed by these Rules or so appeals but the appeal is unsuccessful, the Secretary shall forthwith refund the amount of any fee paid on a pro rata basis.

(2) Rejection of membership application, or suspension of membership:

  1. A:
    1. person whose application for membership has been rejected, or
    2. member whose membership has been suspended or assigned a different class of membership

may within one month of receiving written notification thereof, lodge with the Secretary written notice of his or her intention to appeal against the decision of the Management Committee.

  1. Upon receipt of a notification of intention to appeal against rejection or termination of membership the Secretary shall nominate and convene, within three (3) months of the date of receipt of such notice, an Appeals Committee to determine the appeal.
  2. The Appeals Committee will consist of three (3) office bearers of Ordinary member societies. The Secretary will convene and attend meetings of the Appeals Committee but may not cast a vote. Upon nomination, Appeals Committee members:
    1. may not be current members of the Management Committee, and
    2. must disclose any conflict of interest.
  3. At any such meeting the applicant shall be given the opportunity to fully present the applicant’s case and the Management Committee or those members thereof who made the relevant decision shall likewise have the opportunity of presenting its or their case.
  4. The appeal shall be determined by a majority vote of the members of the Appeals Committee.
  5. Where a person or member referred to in clause 8.0 (2) (i) does not appeal against the decision of the Management Committee within the time prescribed by these Rules or so appeals but the appeal is unsuccessful, the Secretary shall forthwith refund the amount of any fee paid on a pro rata basis.


9.0    Register of Members

(1) The Management Committee shall cause a Register to be kept in which shall be entered the names and residential addresses of all persons admitted to membership of the Association and the dates of their admission.

(2) Particulars shall also be entered into the Register of deaths, resignations, terminations and reinstatement of membership and any further particulars as the Management Committee or the members at any general meeting may require from time to time.

(3) The Register shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times by any member who previously applies to the Secretary for such inspection.


10.0  Secretary

(1) If the Association has not selected an interim officer as Secretary for the Association before its incorporation, the members of the Management Committee must appoint or elect a Secretary for the Association within fourteen (14) days after incorporation.

(2) If a vacancy happens in the office of Secretary, the members of the Management Committee must appoint or elect a Secretary within fourteen (14) days after the vacancy happens.

(3) The Secretary must be an individual residing in the state who is –

  1. a)   a member of the Association elected by the Association as Secretary; or
  2. b)   a member of the Association’s Management Committee appointed by the committee as Secretary; or
  3. c)   appointed by the Management Committee as Secretary (whether or not the individual is a member of the Association).

(4)The Management Committee may:

  1. appoint and remove the Secretary at any time;
  2. nominate the remuneration of the Secretary; and
  3. nominate the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary.

(5) The Management Committee has the power to instruct the Secretary


11.0  Membership of Management Committee

(1) The Management Committee of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Marshal, all of whom shall be members of the Association, and such number of other members as the members of the Association at any general meeting may from time to time elect or appoint.

(2) At the annual general meeting of the Association, all the members of the Management Committee for the time being shall retire from office, but shall be eligible upon nomination for re-election.

(3) The election of officers and other members of the Management Committee shall take place in the following manner:-

  1. a)   Any two (2) members of the Association shall be at liberty to nominate any other member to serve as an officer or other member of the Management Committee;
  2. b)   Nominations may be taken:
  3. in writing and signed by the member and the member’s proposer and seconder, and lodged with the Secretary at least three days before the annual general meeting at which the election is to take place; or
  4. from the floor of the annual general meeting.
  5. c)   Balloting lists shall be prepared (if necessary) containing the names of the candidates in alphabetical order, and each voting member present at the annual general meeting shall be entitled to vote for any number of such candidates not exceeding the number of vacancies.
  6. Voting will be by secret ballot.


12.0  Resignation or Removal From Office of Member of Management Committee

(1) Any member of the Management Committee may resign from membership of the Management Committee at any time by giving notice in writing to the Secretary.

(2) The resignation takes effect at:

  1. the time the notice is received by the Secretary; or
  2. ifa later date is specified in the notice – at the later time.

(3) A member may be removed from office at a general meeting of the Association if a majority of the voting members vote in favour of removing the member.

(4) Before a vote of members is taken about removing the member from office, the member must be given a full and fair opportunity to show cause why he or she should not be removed from office.

(2) The question of removal shall be determined by the vote of the members present at such a general meeting.

(3) There is no right of appeal against a member’s removal from office under this section.


13.0  Vacancies on Management Committee

(1) The Management Committee shall have power at any time to appoint any member of the Association to fill any casual vacancy on the Management Committee until the next annual general meeting.

(2) The continuing members of the Management Committee may act notwithstanding any casual vacancy in the Management Committee, but if and so long as their number is reduced below the number fixed by or pursuant to these Rules as the necessary quorum of the Management Committee, the continuing member or members may act for the purpose of increasing the number of members of the Management Committee to that number, or call a general meeting of the Association, but for no other purpose.


14.0  Functions of The Management Committee

(1) Except as otherwise provided by these Rules and subject to resolutions of the members of the Association carried at any general meeting the Management Committee –

  1. a)   shall have the general control and management of the administration of the affairs, property and funds of the Association; and
  2. b)   shall have authority to interpret the meaning of these rules and any matter relating to the Association on which these Rules are silent.

(2)   The Management Committee may exercise all the powers of the Association-

  1. a)   to borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as the members of the Association may think fit and secure the same or the payment or performance of any debt, liability, contract, guarantee or other engagement incurred or to be entered into by the Association in any way and in particular by the issue of debentures, perpetual or otherwise, charged upon all or any of the Association’s property, both present and future, and to purchase, redeem or pay off any such securities;
  2. b)   to borrow amounts from members and to pay interest on the amount borrowed and to mortgage or charge its property or any part thereof and to issue debentures and other securities, whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Association, and to provide and pay off any such securities; and
  3. c)    to invest in such manner as the members of the Association may from time to time determine.

(3) For sub-section (2)(b) the rate of interest must not be more than the rate for the time being charged for overdrawn accounts for money lent (whatever the term of the loan) by –

  1. a)   the financial institution for the Association; or
  2. b)   if there is more than one (1) financial institution for the association – the financial institution nominated by the Association.


15.0  Meetings of Management Committee

(1) The Management Committee shall meet at least once every two (2) calendar months to exercise its functions.

(2) The Management Committee will decide how a meeting is to be called.

(3) Notice of a meeting is to be given in the way decided by the Management Committee.

(4) A special meeting of the Management Committee shall be convened by the Secretary on the requisition in writing signed by not less than one-third of the members of the Management Committee, which requisition shall clearly state the reasons why such special meeting is being convened and the nature of the business to be transacted thereat.

(5) At every meeting of the Management Committee a number equal to more than 50% of the number of members elected and/or appointed to the Management Committee as at the close of the last general meeting of the members shall constitute a quorum.

(6) Subject as previously provided in this rule, the Management Committee may meet together and regulate its proceedings as it thinks fit.

(7) However, questions arising at any meeting of the Management Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes and, in the case of equality of votes, the question shall be deemed to be decided in the negative.

(8) A member of the Management Committee shall not vote in respect of any contract or proposed contract with the Association in which the member is interested, or any matter arising there out, and if the member does so vote the member’s vote shall not be counted.

(9) Not less than fourteen (14) days notice shall be given by the Secretary to members of the Management Committee of any special meeting of the Management Committee.

(10)Such notice shall clearly state the nature of the business to be discussed thereat.

(11)The President shall preside as Chairperson at every meeting of the Management Committee, or if at any meeting the President is not present within ten minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the Vice-President shall be Chairperson or if the Vice-President is not present at the meeting then the members may choose one of their number to be Chairperson of the meeting.

(12) If within half an hour from the time appointed for the commencement of a Management Committee meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of members of the Management Committee, shall lapse.

(13) In any other case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place, or to such other day and at such other time and place as the Management Committee may determine, and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting shall lapse.


16.0  Delegation of Powers of Management Committee

(1) The Management Committee may delegate any of its powers to a sub-committee consisting of such members of the Association as the Management Committee thinks fit.

(2) Any sub-committee so formed shall in the exercise of the powers so delegated conform to any regulations that may be imposed on it by the Management Committee.

(3) A sub-committee may elect a Chairperson of its meetings.

(4) If no such Chairperson is elected, or if at any meeting the Chairperson is not present within ten (10) minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the members present may choose one of their number to be Chairperson of the meeting.

(5) A sub-committee may meet and adjourn as it thinks proper.

(6) Questions arising at any meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and, in the case of an equality of votes, the question shall be deemed to be decided in the negative.


17.0  Acts not Affected by Defects or Disqualifications

All acts done by any meeting of the Management Committee or of a sub-committee or by any person acting as a member of the Management Committee shall, notwithstanding that it is afterwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any such member of the Management Committee or person acting as aforesaid, or that the members of the Management Committee or any of them were disqualified, be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was qualified to be a member of the Management Committee.


18.0  Resolutions of Management Committee without Meeting

(1) A resolution in writing signed by all the members of the Management Committee for the time being entitled to receive notice of a meeting of the Management Committee shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Management Committee duly convened and held.

(2) Any such resolution may consist of several documents in like form, each signed by one or more members of the Management Committee.

(3) The Management Committee may, at its discretion, comply with this clause 18 by an exchange of electronic communication, such as email.


19.0  First General Meeting

(1) The first general meeting must be held not less than one (1) month, nor more than three (3) months after the day the association is incorporated.

(2) The Management Committee must decide where the meeting is to be held.

(3) The business to be transacted at the first general meeting must include the appointment of an auditor.


20.0  First Annual General Meeting

The first annual general meeting must be held within eighteen (18) months after the day the association is incorporated.


21.0  Subsequent Annual General Meetings

Each subsequent annual general meeting must be held –

  1. a)   at least once each year
  2. b)   within six(6) months after the end of the association’s previous financial year.


22.0  Business to be Transacted at Annual General Meeting

The following business must be transacted at every annual general meeting –

  1. a)   the receiving of the statement of income and expenditure, assets and liabilities and mortgages, charges and securities affecting the property of the association for the last financial year;
  2. b)   the receiving of the auditor’s report on the financial affairs of the association for the last financial year;
  3. c)   the presenting of the audited statement to the meeting for adoption;
  4. d)   the election of members of the Management Committee; and
  5. e)   the appointment of an auditor, an accountant or an approved person, as necessary, and as required by the Incorporated Associations Act 1981 (Qld).


23.0  Special General Meeting

The Secretary shall convene a special general meeting by sending out notice of the meeting within fourteen (14) days of:-

  1. a)   being directed to do so by the Management Committee; or
  2. b)   being given a requisition in writing signed by not less than one-third of the members presently on the Management Committee or not less than the number of ordinary members of the Association which equals double the number of members presently on the Management Committee plus one.
  3. c)   being given a notice in writing of an intention to appeal against the decision of the Management Committee to reject an application for membership or to terminate or otherwise vary the membership of any member.
  4. d)   A requisition mentioned in subsection (1)(b) shall clearly state the reasons why such special general meeting is being convened and the nature of the business to be transacted thereat.


24.0  Quorum at General Meeting

(1) At any general meeting the number of voting members required to constitute a quorum shall be double the number of members presently on the Management Committee plus one.

(2) No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of voting members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business.

(3) If within half an hour from the time appointed for the commencement of a general meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of members of the Management Committee or the Association, shall lapse.

(4) In any other case it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place, or to such other day and at such other time and place as the Management Committee may determine, and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the members present shall be quorum.

(5) The chairperson may, with the consent of any meeting at which a quorum is present (and shall if so directed by the meeting), adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.

(6) When a meeting is adjourned for thirty days (30) or more, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of an original meeting.

(7) Save as aforesaid it shall not be necessary to give any notice of an adjournment or of the business to be transacted at an adjourned meeting.


25.0  Notice of General Meeting

(1) The Secretary shall convene all general meetings of the Association by giving not less than fourteen (14)day’s notice of any such meeting to the members of the Association.

(2) The manner by which such notice shall be given shall be determined by the Management Committee.

(3) However, notice of any meeting convened for the purpose of hearing and determining the appeal of a member against the rejection or termination of his membership by the Management Committee, shall be given in writing.

(4) Notice of a general meeting shall clearly state the nature of the business to be discussed thereat.


26.0 Procedure at General Meeting

(1) Unless otherwise provided by these Rules, at every general meeting –

the President shall preside as Chairperson, or if there is no President, or if they are not present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or is unwilling to act, the Vice-President shall be the Chairperson or if the Vice-President is not present or is unwilling to act then the members present shall elect one (1) of their number to the Chairperson of the meeting;

  1. a)   the Chairperson shall maintain order and conduct the meeting in a proper and orderly manner;
  2. b)   every question, matter or resolution shall be decided by a majority of votes of the member societies present; Individual members may not exercise a vote on their own behalf;
  3. c) in this Constitution, “voting member”means a person attending as a representative appointed by a member society to vote on that member society’s behalf, and where the context permits will include a person appointed as a proxyof a member society to vote on that member society’s behalf;
  4. d)   every voting member present shall be entitled to one (1) vote and in the case of an equality of votes the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote, provided that no member shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting if the member’s annual subscription is more than one month in arrears at the date of the meeting;
  5. e)   voting shall be by show of hands or a division of voting members, unless not less than one-fifth of the voting members present demand a ballot, in which event shall be a secret ballot;
  6. f)   The Chairperson shall appoint two (2) members to conduct the secret ballot in such manner as the Chairperson shall determine and the result of the ballot as declared by the Chairperson shall be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which the ballot was deemed;
  7. g)    a member society may vote in person by way of an appointed voting member or by proxy (including by attorney or other duly authorised representative), and every person present who is a voting member or a proxy shall have one (1) vote;
  8. h)   the instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing, in the common or usual form under the hand of the appointor or of his attorney duly authorised in writing or, if the appointor is a corporation, either under seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised; and
  9. i)   A proxy may be, but need not be a member of the Association; and
  10. j)     The instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a secret ballot;
  11. k)    where it is desired to afford members an opportunity of voting for or against a resolution the instrument appointing a proxy shall be in the following form or a form as near thereto as circumstances permit:-


I, ____________ of being the designated represented member of _[insert group name],  and being a member of the above named Association, hereby appoint _________________ of ____________________, the designated represented member of _[insert group name],  and being a member of the above named Association, hereby appoint _________________ of _____________, ____________________, as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at the (annual) general meeting of the Association, to be held on the day of , 20__ , and at any adjourned thereof.


Signed this day of _____________, 20__.




* in favour of

This form is to be used * against the resolution.

*Strike out whichever is not desired.


(Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy may vote as the proxy thinks fit.)

  1. l)   the assets and liabilities and of all mortgages, charges and securities affecting the property of the Association at the close of that year.
  2. m)     the instrument appointing a proxy shall be deposited with the Secretary prior to the commencement of any meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote; and
  3. n) the Secretary shall cause full and accurate minutes of all questions, matters, resolutions and other proceedings of every Management Committee meeting and general meeting to be entered in a permanent record to be open for inspection at all reasonable times by any financial member who previously applies to the Secretary for that inspection.

(2) For the purposes of ensuring the accuracy of the recording of such minutes, the minutes of every Management Committee meeting shall be signed by the Chairperson of that meeting or the Chairperson of the next succeeding Management Committee meeting verifying their accuracy.

(3) Similarly, the minutes of every general meeting shall be signed by the Chairperson of that meeting or the Chairperson of the next succeeding general meeting.

(4) However, the minutes of any annual general meeting shall be signed by the Chairman of that meeting or the Chairman of the next succeeding general meeting or annual general meeting.


27.0 By-Laws

The Management Committee may from time to time make, amend or repeal by-laws, not inconsistent with these Rules, for the internal management of the Association and any by-law may be set aside by a general meeting of members.


28.0 Alteration of Rules

(1) Subject to the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981, these Rules may be amended, rescinded or added to from time to time by a special resolution carried at any general meeting.

(2) However an amendment, rescission or addition is only valid if it is registered by the chief executive and the Minister responsible for the administration of the Collections Act 1966.


29.0  Common Seal

(1) The Management Committee shall provide for a Common Seal and for its safe custody.

(2) The Common Seal shall only be used by the authority of the Management Committee and every instrument to which the seal is affixed shall be signed by a member of the Management Committee and shall be countersigned by the Secretary or by a second member of the Management Committee or by some other person appointed by the Management Committee for the purpose.


30.0 Funds and Accounts

(1) The funds of the Association shall be banked in the name of the Association in a financial institution decided by the Management Committee.

(2) Proper books and accounts shall be kept and maintained either in written or printed form in the English language showing currently the financial affairs of the Association and the particulars usually shown in books of a like nature.

(3) All moneys shall be banked as soon as practicable after receipt thereof.

(4) All amounts of $100 or over shall beauthorised by any two (2) of the President, Secretary, Treasurer or other member authorized from time to time by the Management Committee.

(5) Cheques shall be crossed “not negotiable” except those in payment of wages, allowances or petty cash recoupment which may be open.

(6) The Management Committee shall determine the amount of petty cash which shall be kept on the imprest system.

(7) All expenditure shall be approved or ratified at a Management Committee meeting.

(8) As soon as practicable after the end of each financial year the Treasurer shall cause to be prepared a statement containing particulars of –

  1. a)   the income and expenditure for the financial year just ended; and
  2. b)   the assets and liabilities and of all mortgages, charges and securities affecting the property of the Association at the close of that year.

(9) If the Association is incorporated within three (3) months of the end of the Association’s financial year, subsection (8) does not apply for the financial year the association is incorporated.

(10) The auditor must examine the statement prepared under subsection (8) and present a report on it to the Secretary before the next annual general meeting next following the financial year for which the audit was made.

(11) The income and property of the Association must be used solely in promoting the Association’s objects and exercising the Association’s powers.


31.0  Documents

The Management Committee shall provide for the safe custody of books, documents, instruments of title and securities of the Association.


32.0 Financial Year

The financial year of the Association shall close on 30 June in each year.


33.0 Distribution of Surplus Assets to Another Entity

If the Association is wound-up with the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981, and there remains, after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Association, but shall be given or transferred to some other institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Association, gifts to which are allowable deductions under the provisions of Section 78(4) and (5) of the Income Tax Assessment Act, and which shall prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property among its or their members to an extent at least as great as is imposed on the Association under or by virtue of rule 31 (11), such institution or institutions to be determined by the members of the Association.



Amendments to Rules and Regulations


Place/Date Voted

Approved by Department

Section 2(a)(b)(h) & 4(1)(a)(b) –
Objects of Association & Classes of Membership
(Opening of QLHF to all periods)

Victoria Barracks, 16th November 1997

Refer Consumer Affairs Doco No. Q01491283Registered 21st January 1998

Sections 4(1)(a) (b) & 8(3) –
Classes of Membership &
Termination of Membership

Red Hill,
9th February 1999

Refer Consumer Affairs Doco No. Q02039757Registered
28th June 1999

Sections 4(1)(a) through (d) –
Classes of Membership

Fort Lytton,
7th May 2005

Refer Fair Trading DocoNo. ?Registered
? 2005


Federation By-Laws

  1. By-Law carried at QLHF General Meeting of 27 April 1998.  That the definitions as recorded below, be adopted by the Federation.

A Living History society is defined as one which re-creates civilian & military activities of the culture and time period they portray.

A Re-enactment society is defined as a society which attempts a physical reconstruction of history.
It may take the form of a military encounter or a civilian display.

A Preservation society is defined as one which preserves artefacts, skills, crafts or historical sites

A Research society is defined as one which researches a particular period or field in world history.


  1. By-Law carried at QLHF General Meeting of 27 April 1998

Ex QLH Codes of practice amended and adopted by QLHF


  1. By-Law carried at QLHF General Meeting of May/June 1998

A process of self-assessment followed a physical assessment by the Management Committee and/or invited persons be implemented and all groups submit themselves to this assessment, provide the Management Committee with a self-assessment of the groups status, and arrange for a physical inspection at a mutually arranged time.


  1. By-Law carried at QLHF General Meeting of 13 July 1998

The composition of the Management Committee shall consist of no more than 50% representation from any one member organisation.


  1. By-Law carried at QLHF General Meeting of 17 March 2003

Additional class of membership – the Probationary Member.
This class of membership applies to those groups who have yet to be assessed.  These groups will be covered by insurance but will not be able vote or hold a seat on the committee until they achieve associate of full membership through an assessment process.


  1. By-Law carried at QLHF General Meeting of 7 May 2005

Participation in QLHF organised, sponsored, endorsed or approved events, including training, demonstrations and public performance is restricted to Ordinary Members and Individual Members of the QLHF. QLHF may invite non-member Living History / Reenactment Groups to participate in a QLHF event subject to the invited group providing evidence of appropriate and adequate insurance cover as specified by the Management.


Our By laws

All members of the Queensland Living History Federation are required to abide by these guidelines and by-laws. Please read all documents applicable to your impression and your group.

Code of Conduct

Archery By-laws

QLHF Artillery By-laws

QLHF Bayonet By-laws

QLHF Blankfire_By-laws

Horse By-laws

Edged Weapons By-laws

Vehicle Use By-laws

Harnischfechten Rules

Child Protection Policy

Protecting our young people is the duty of each and every member and group within the QLHF. With that being the case, the QLHF, in partnership with Bravehearts, developed the following Child Protection Policy, which was accepted by the members in 2017.

All members, and in particular Group Admins, should make themselves familiar with this document.

QLHF Child Protection Policy

Should any member have concerns, they should contact the Child Protection Officer, Adrienne Alexander at

If you would like to talk to someone outside the QLHF about a child protection matter, Bravehearts have a toll free line 1800 272 831 from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday to Friday.

If you would like to talk to someone outside hours please call:

Kids Help Line – 1800 55 1800

Lifeline – 13 11 14

Police Link – 131 444

Of course, if you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 000.